WeNaTour - The European Alliance for Innovation and Sustainability Education in Welfare, Nature, and Tourism

WeNaTour is a European project funded by the Erasmus+ program aimed at training new professionals for sustainable tourism and exploring emerging markets, while keeping the well-being of local communities and the preservation of the environment at the core of its strategies, towards a more responsible and sustainable future.

How long?

The project started in 2023 and has a duration of 3 years


WeNaTour involves 12 partners from 5 countries, with a unique blend of backgrounds from academia, research centres, consultancy services and tourism operators:

Italy – University of Padua (UNIPD) – Lead Partner

Italy – Etifor | Valuing Nature

Austria – Carinthia University of Applied Sciences (CUAS)

Ireland – Meath Partnership (MEATH)

The Netherlands – Nature Tourism Development (NTD)

Ireland – Technological University of the Shannon: Midland Midwest (TUS)

Austria – Austrian Research Centre for Forests (BFW)

Romania – Transilvania University of Brasov (UNITBV)

Italy – Innova srl

Austria – University of Applied Sciences Krems (KREMS)

Romania – Sano Touring Experience 


Need for sustainable practices in tourism, guided by a scientific approach and shared and aligned with existing standards (e.g. Global Sustainable Tourism Council Criteria – GSTC).

Growing demand for sustainability both in life and travel choices.

Increasing interest towards benefits of spending time in nature, natural spaces as sources of welfare services.

Modified relationships between work and leisure due to welfare plans offered in form of holiday time and nature-based treatments.


Develop the profession of SUSTAINABILITY MANAGER FOR TOURISM DESTINATION whose main roles are connected to:

  • Designing new services for new targets
  • Reducing the impact of tourism on natural and cultural resources
  • Focusing on emerging demands while maintaining economic sustainability

Explore new markets:

  • Nature for health and wellbeing: new tourism products with a measurable impact on health promotion and prevention
  • Company welfare: foster the ability of employers to activate benefits for their workers
  • ICT and digitalization as a supporting discipline

Opportunities for students:

High-quality and innovative training that aim to empower individuals with the skills needed to bring destination management approaches towards Sustainable Tourism goals.

  • E-Learing Course
  • Sustainable tourism specialization program
  • VET courses on nature and tourism
  • CSR and welfare opportunities for companies

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WeNaTour is an Innovation Alliance project (ERASMUS-EDU-2022-PI-ALL-INNO) funded with support from the European Commission – Erasmus+ program under Grant Agreement No 101111561.