Study on “Uptake of CSR by European SMEs and start-ups”

Following the completion of a questionnaire circulated online, in March 2021 we were invited by the “Visionary Analytics” Institute of Political Research in Lithuania to participate in a study aimed at mapping, evaluating and reporting on how European SMEs and start-ups assimilate Corporate Social Responsibility. The study is the subject of a contract financed by the European Commission through the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME). 

The study includes a collection of examples of good practice among European SMEs operating in the tourism and hospitality industry, the selection of Accessible Romania by Sano Touring (called Sano Touring at the time of the interview) is justified by the fact that we provide accessible tourism services – field that was considered to have a vocation for example of good practice for other travel agencies.

The study was published in December 2021 and has the following summary:

Executive summary

Final Report

Collection of good practices

Cerification criteria for responsive and sustainable behavior of small and medium-sized enterprises

Accessible Romania by Sano Touring is proud to be among the approximately 30 entities selected from European SMEs active in the tourism and hospitality industry, and we present the document that refers to our activity. 

 Good practice document Sano Touring