GREEN4C (GreenForCare)
“Alliance on Interdisciplinary Learning and Entrepreneurial Skills in Green for Health and Social Inclusion – GREEN4C” project is carried out by a large academic, research, business and international organizations partnership: Università Degli Studi Di Padua (Italy) and Etifor SRL (spin-off of the University) together with Elevate Health (Netherlands), Transilvania University of Brasov (Romania), Istituto Superiore di Sanità (Italy), Meath Partnership (Ireland), Bundesforschungszentrum für Wald (Austria), European Forest Institute (Finland), Wageningen University and Research (Netherlands), Forest Design (Romania), University of British Columbia (Canada) and University College Dublin (Ireland) and is funded by the Erasmus+.
The project aims to innovate and promote nature-based solutions for health, wellbeing and social inclusion, one of the directions being “Green care tourism”. As much of our tourist offer is related to nature and natural resources that our country enjoys, it was natural to respond to a questionnaire disseminated online as part of the market survey carried out within the project.
In June 2020, we were contacted by the project promoters, who were extremely interested in what we were doing and so Accessible Romania by Sano Touring became one of the case studies analysed in the project.
This project was a unique opportunity for us to demonstrate that we are a serious, professional and reliable partner and opened the way to be invited to participate as partners in extensive research projects, alongside European and international academia, research and business partners.
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